Join SV Scheibensucher Rüsselsheim e.V.
Hello fellow disc golfer!
You are currently living in Germany and want to participate in German disc golf tournaments like the ones listed on
Then you need to join a german frisbee club. Only „visitors“ from other countries are allowed to participate in German disc golf tournaments without a German club membership. So if you are permanently living in Germany for more than a short visit and want to join the German disc golf scene, go ahead and join our club!
Btw: The club name „Scheibensucher“ means „disc seekers“.
You want to join our club? Here are the steps you need to do to become a club member of SV Scheibensucher Rüsselsheim e.V.
Download the form:
Membership sign up form ONE PERSON
Membership sign up form FAMILY
Translation notes for the first section:
Vorname = First name
Nachname = Last name)
Straße = Street you currently live in
Geb.-Datum = Your birth date (
PLZ Ort = Zip code and city you currently live in
Tel./Mobil = Your mobile phone number
Check one of the following membership types:
„Einzelmitgliedschaft aktiv mit DFV Spielrecht (Erwachsene/Jugend)“ means individual active membership with DFV playing license for adults and juniors up to 18 years old. You will be able to participate in German tournaments and all club activities. This is most likely what you are looking for. See „membership information“ description below.
„Einzelmitgliedschaft aktiv ohne DFV Spielrecht (Erwachsene/Jugend)“ means individual active membership without DFV playing license for adults and juniors up to 18 years old . You will be able to participate in all club activities, but you can not join official German tournaments.
(A special for members of other clubs. See discription below)
„Passive Mitgliedschaft“
means passive club membership: You want to support the club, but you do not play. (See description below)
Ort: City
Datum: The current date you are filling out the form
Unterschriften(en): Signature of the applicant
Kontoinhaber: Bank account owner (first name and last name)
IBAN: Your IBAN bank account number
Ort, Datum und Unterschrift (Kontoinhaber) = City, current date and signature of the bank account owner
Membership Information:
Included in the club membership „Einzelmitgliedschaft aktiv mit DFV-Spielrecht“:
- DFV playing license (Deutscher Frisbeesport Verband e.V.) (Needed for tournament play in Germany)
- Membership in „Hessischer Sportbund“ including the sports insurance
- Participation in training sessions
- Participation in local tournaments
- Membership in the „members only“ WhatsApp group for easy finding of flight partners
- Membership in the „members only“ email distribution list
- Use of the disc golf course in the „Ostpark“
- Use of the private disc golf course „Waldschwimmbad“ (only from September to April)
- Right to vote at general meetings
- 10% discount at
Membership fee:
100 € per year up to 2 adults and 4 kids till age of 18
50 € per year for adults
25 € per year four kids till age of 18
Included in the club membership „Einzelmitgliedschaft aktiv ohne DFV-Spielrecht“:
- Passive membership in DFV (Deutscher Frisbeesport Verband e.V.) NO DFV playing licenese! You are not allowed to play tournaments in Germany as member of Scheibensucher)
- Participation in training sessions
- Participation in local tournaments
- Membership in the „members only“ WhatsApp group for easy finding of flight partners
- Membership in the „members only“ email distribution list
- Use of the disc golf course in the „Ostpark“
- Use of the private disc golf course „Waldschwimmbad“ (only from September to April)
- Right to vote at general meetings
- 10% discount at
Membership fee:
50 € per year for adults
25 € per year four kids up to 18 years
Included in the club membership „Einzelmitgliedschaft Passiv“:
- Membership in the „Hessischer Sportbund“ including the sports insurance
- Use of the disc golf course in the „Ostpark“
- Right to vote at general meetings
- 10% discount at
Membership fee:
36 € per year
Translation notes for the second section (DFV Deutscher Frisbeesport-Verband:
Vorname: first name
Geburtsdatum: your birth date
Nachname: last name
Geschlecht: your gender (male / female / third sex)
Email: your email address
Check the box Discgolf
Please ensure that you check the box „1. Ja ich bin einverstanden, dass die genannten Informationen über meine Person öffentlich bekannt gemacht werden dürfen.“ This translates to „Yes, I agree that the above information about my person may be made public.“ This is needed for tournament play. I you do not agree, you can not play in German tournaments at all.
Please ensure to check the box „2. Ja, ich versichere, dass ich derzeit über keinen anderen Verein in der angegebenen Sportart aktiv gemeldet bin…“ which translates to „Yes, I assure that I am currently not actively registered in the specified discipline through any other club (otherwise active registration in this discipline is not possible).“ This is needed for tournament play, too.
Ort, Datum: City and current date
Unterschrift: Signature of the applicant
Now print the filled out form and sign it (2 signatures needed!)
Send the signed form via mail to:
SV Scheibensucher Rüsselsheim e.V.
c/o Michael Janske-Drost
Selterser Str. 38
35781 Weilburg
For a quicker registration, you can also scan the signed form and email it to